French at HKU

French III.2
French III.2
Second semester
6 credits
100% coursework
FREN3001 or equivalent
Hours per week:
4+1 hrs/week
Contact hours:
60 hours
Total learning hours:
140 hours
This course is a continuation of French III.1. The intention is to further expand students’ proficiency in French. Class lectures will make use of interactive approaches so as to elicit creativity, and problem-solving skills, and to encourage participants to become independent users of the language. Various literary and non-literary texts from France and other French-speaking countries will be used, with the aim of stimulating critical reading and discussion. Learning activities will also be supported by audio-visual and web-based materials which will help students to better understand French and francophone socio-cultural environments. Discussion groups will be arranged separately to foster oral expression and debating skills.
The aim of this course of this course is to develop the language proficiency so as to bring the students to a stage consistent with the level B1+, B2 as defined and established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).
Learning outcomes
CLO 1: Apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout this course to further communicate on an extended range of topics and collaborate in French.
CLO 2: Analyse and interpret, orally and in writing, texts of various genres to discuss important aspects of the French culture and society and articulate their own viewpoint.
CLO 3: Use the insight gained through listening, discussing, reading and writing about the topics covered to analyse differences and commonalities between French culture and their own.
CLO 4: Use the French language for oral and written communication at a level of upper-intermediate proficiency consistent with level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).